Our Values

We believe our values drive everything, including economic value. At Ascentia, we believe there is no other way to do business. Values are meaningful only to the extent they translate into action. Ascentia has adopted the following behaviors as a means of living our values:

Abundance minded

Abundance Minded

  • Understanding the needs of those we serve
  • See obstacles as opportunities
  • Take responsibility for solving conflicts
  • Provide continuous personal development opportunities
  • Embrace endings to experience new beginnings



  • Expect the best
  • Commit to continuous growth
  • Strive to surpass customer expectations



  • Be an active listener
  • Invest in the potential of others
  • Preserve and enhance the dignity of others
  • Encourage healthy home/work balance
  • Recognize and celebrate the success of others



  • Seek to understand the current reality
  • Take calculated risks
  • Courageously pursue creative solutions
  • Learn from mistakes and share the lessons
  • Listen to new ideas



  • Communicate clearly for success
  • Improve the value of our assets
  • Look for ways to reduce unnecessary risk
  • Plan your work and work your plan
  • Act with an appropriate sense of urgency



  • Walk the talk consistently
  • Seek and listen to the truth
  • Be willing to have the hard conversations
  • Do what is aligned with our values

What Our Clients Have to Say