Investor Opportunities
For 40 years, our investors have looked to us to provide quality real estate investments that consistently return value for their hard-earned dollars. The returns on our portfolio of investments consistently outperform the stock market.
Founded in 1974, Ascentia grew from the purchase of a few small apartment buildings to syndicate over 100 transactions, ranging from multi-family residential to commercial office to self-storage properties. Currently, we own, operate, and manage nearly 40 manufactured housing, multi-family, and commercial properties in seven states, including Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, and North Carolina.
Investor Confidence
The confidence of our investors arises from our unique blend of expertise and our state-of-the-art operating, financial, and technology systems. We are owners and managers, so we thoroughly understand what is required to make an investment perform.
We add quantifiable value to our investments through key benchmarking tools, comparative analysis, and closely monitored operating costs.
We seek out underperforming assets to create value and, in turn, return value to our investors. We manage both long and short-term value to maximize overall returns.
Want More Information?
We are not currently accepting new investors but are happy to keep interested, accredited investors information on file in the event we open to new investors.